Episode 409 – From Self-Doubt to Self-Discovery: Pursuing Your Personal Legend

by Allan McKay  - June 27, 2023

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Episode 409 – From Self-Doubt to Self-Discovery: Pursuing Your Personal Legend

In his book THE ALCHEMIST, Paolo Coelho talks about a Personal Legend. So many people give up just moments before they reach their own Personal Legend. After a while, if you aren’t getting the desired goal, it’s hard to convince yourself not to give up. It’s especially hard when other people are telling you to give up. 

Insecure people lash out at people who are more accomplished or ambitious, or courageous. They’re intimidated by someone who rubs them the wrong way. This also applies to new tools or technology. These days, it’s a common reaction toward AI. So many people fear that AI will take over their jobs. Instead, they can choose to get new skills and get in front of this innovation. 

You’re the one choosing your outlook:

  • Rather than seeing someone as a threat – you can see them as an ally.
  • Rather than seeing innovation as a threat – you can see it as an opportunity.

Nothing worth doing comes easy. It’s always darkest before dawn. But once you’ve earned your place, the success is so much sweeter.

Inspired by Paolo Coelho’s THE ALCHEMIST, Allan McKay talks about your Personal Legend, how to eliminate the negative voices that challenge you to keep going, how to change your own outlook – and choose to be inspired, instead of being intimidated.



Hi, everyone! 

This is Allan McKay. Welcome to Episode 409! 

This is a solo Episode. This one is a really timely one, and I’ve been excited to release it. I want to talk about a lot of important topics:

  • How to keep focused on your Personal Legend;
  • How to weed out the naysayers in your immediate circle who discourage you;
  • How to recognize your own intimidation, be it at other artists or latest technology;
  • How to change your outlook and be inspired, instead of intimidated. 

Let’s dive in!



[01:21]  Have you ever sent in your reel and wondered why you didn’t get the callback or what the reason was you didn’t get the job? Over the past 20 years of working for studios like ILM, Blur Studio, Ubisoft, I’ve built hundreds of teams and hired hundreds of artists — and reviewed thousands of reels! That’s why I decided to write The Ultimate Demo Reel Guide from the perspective of someone who actually does the hiring. You can get this book for free right now at www.allanmckay.com/myreel!

[12:58] One of the biggest problems we face as artists is figuring out how much we’re worth. I’ve put together a website. Check it out: www.VFXRates.com! This is a chance for you to put in your level of experience, your discipline, your location — and it will give you an accurate idea what you and everyone else in your discipline should be charging. Check it out: www.VFXRates.com!


Okay, what did you think? I hope you got a lot from this Episode and would love to hear your thoughts. Do Episodes likes this move the needle for you?

Next week, I’m interviewing YouTube Creator and Unity Expert Gabriel Aguiar about his experience launching a YouTube Channel and his own studio, developing an original IP. Gabriel also gives advice to young VFX artists and entrepreneurs about resources, skills and branding.

Until next week –

Rock on!


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Episode 408 - THE MENU - Crafty Apes Dishes on the Film's VFX
Episode 410 - Gabriel Aguiar - YouTube Creator & Unity Expert

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