Zsolt Poczos – Making high-risk and high-reward decisions to shape the success of your career

by Allan McKay  - June 16, 2015

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Zsolt Poczos is a CG supervisor from Hungary that has worked around the world on my high profile projects – originating from architecture and moving to creating photorealistic car commercials through to now being part of the core team on the upcoming VFX heavy film ‘Independence Day 2’.

This episode dives into Zsolt’s inspiring story as well as seeing first hand how similar to many of the subjects we discuss on this podcast, how you can be bold and take chances that are high risk but high reward.


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  1. Really inspiring episode! This really has been the embodiment of my 2 most motivating quotes:
    “Hustle beats talent, when talent doesn’t hustle”
    “Throw yourself into the arms of Chance and you will be rewarded”
    It really is great to hear someones story and know that hard work can really pay off, you just need to stick with it.

  2. Like Zsolt mentions in the podcast. I really need to thank you for being an unbelievable long distance mentor 🙂 In a couple of days I’m going for my first job interview in the vfx industry and the podcast helpt me getting there,.. THANKS ,… btw finger crossed that i get the job 🙂 and I must remember not to hold a peace of paper 🙂 🙂


  3. I know I say it every time you bring in someone awesome like Zsolt, but this episode really went deep. I am in a point in my career where I am stagnating even though I do have have projects, I am not able to give time to do what I need to do – that is sit and compile my reel. And just by listening to Zsolt talk, I felt like a helping hand reach out.
    Allan cant thank you enough, I am sharing this episode far and wide – everyone needs to listen to this.
    And thanks to Zsolt for sharing everything. Very inspiring!

  4. I really like his approach of studying and testing his limit to absorb the knowledge on your course Allan. Its a very good advice too that a lot of us can use to and apply it on our lives if we really want to learn. FB and other social media is really a distraction when in front of the pc. It’s really all about discipline.

    1. agreed, I try to limit social media as much as I can, love it but you need to really dedicate time to your day where you just switch eveything off – and make amazing art! 🙂

  5. Hi Allan, another really informative podcast. I found your tutorials and work a long time ago and was really inspired to see another Australian producing great VFX. I’ve been in and out of the field for years and it seems recently a lot of studios now use Maya/Houdini. Do you think it would be a wise choice to learn and move primarily to Maya/Houdini rather than Max? I’ve been using max for nearly 15 years now and it’s a large time investment I’m just not sure on the reward.



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