Traveling the World as a Digital Nomad (3D Artist and VFX)

Traveling the world as a Digital Nomad – for 3D Artists, Designers and all other creatives.

This is a live stream with Sergio Paez (previously Lucas Film and other studios – check out https://storyboardart.org/) and Mitch Bowler (previous of Activision – check out www.pencilkings.com) and Allan McKay.

We dig deep into the lifestyle of artist’s that travel permanently around the world, having their flights, hotel and other expenses paid for — and jump from project to project. And how YOU can do the same! Answering many career related questions and the benefits of this lifestyle, as well as the drawbacks — and more!

Please leave as many comments as you like and we’ll answer them as fast as we can!

Finally, what other subjects do you want to see covered around this topic?

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And if you share this, thank you it means the world to me. Thank you!

Youtube comments:

Thanks for your video. May i take some technical consultations from you ?
Hey thanks a lot for the video you made some really good points. I will be a digital nomad in a month so this really helped. I don't know if this is really relevant to somewhat technical content about the hardware and correct working methods in remote work. Thanks alot!
Is talking about family building is to personal to talk about in a career building context?
Thanks to Allan I landed my dream job at unbelievable film project aaaaand get ready I did it with almost no film background directly from Archiviz, absolutely precious advice here...
Awesome content, I still can't believe im just now finding out who you are and all of your work you've done within this industry. I've been watching as many of your videos, subscribing to you Instagram and Facebook pages to learn as much as i can. I'm currently trying to strengthen my environmental modeling skills so i can update my out dated portfolio. Apart from your tutorials which i haven't gotten to yet, I feel whats made the most impact with me were the videos you posted pertaining do's and don's when looking for jobs. Such a eye opener. I'm from NYC, so if you have any tips on groups or meetups to help, that be awesome. Thanks a bunch Allan
Do you have any podcast about the blacklists or plans to speak about it? I am not included in any of the blacklists, don't even plan to, but the topic is quite secret. Thank you.
Come to Chile man! I’d gladly guide you guys around! 😂
Hi Allan, I always wondered how vfx artist with tight schedules manage there health. it will be great if you do video on how to manage health being a vfx artist and working on crazy schedules. thanks
Thanks for this video! Really appreciate the info!
Allan it would be interesting that you speak about previsualization film
great video as always I'm always learning a lot
21:20 4 years and 40K is pocket change. Considering you can earn 20K at a Summer job and Freelancing while on your breaks from school. You can get an illustration degree in 3 years in some Colleges for 12K. Small price to pay to have a passport to go work internationally. :) I know many Korean artists who already have pro-experience who attend schools in Canada and the USA to get a degree or diploma so they can work outside of Korea.
14:00 a DEGREE is VERY useful to cross international borders!!!! VERY USEFUL!!!! In Canada and the USA. a Degree in your field gets you a TN-1 Visa. Winning contests get you an O-1 Visa opportunity.
thanks! cheers.
if any from you come to switzerland, i give free beer's !
yes, i'm luky swiss boy! :)
any questions? feel free to fire them out