Episode 15 – Travel the world and becoming a digital gipsy!

by Allan McKay  - December 23, 2014

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So this episode definitely is ‘off the cuff’ but there’s a lot of really vital information for those of you who do want to travel the world and want to understand where to start! I will say this is definitely just scratching the surface, and unfortunately being the week of x-mas and with a product launch underway I’ve only really had time to hit record and go for gold!

But I do want to hear your thoughts on this and if it is something you do want to know more about, I have plenty in store for you let me know before I put weeks into bringing the right people on to give you a step by step guide to working overseas and all over the world as also how to approach studios and find sponsorship!

Leave a comment let me know if this is something to dive into further because I can open Pandora’s box!

Happy holiday’s guys!


email me at [email protected]


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Episode 16 - A reflection on 2014, and lessons learned from successes and my failures

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  1. Great topic and very relevant for our industry.

    The one part of it I would love for you to expand on is the logistics of relocation across continents: keeping the house back home, finding a new in the new place, storage, what to keep what to let go, shipping your stuff across the world etc. For people with wife and kids it is a little bit more complex than just packing a large suitcase and stepping into the big blue unknown…

  2. Really great stuff. Being from Brazil and working currently in the US I totally agree with what you said. It was scary at first but you learn a new language, meet new people and try new food. This podcast is so relevant, thanks again for putting the time to get these together and answer the comments. I will tell my fx artists friends here at the studio about the mentor ship program.

  3. Yes! I want to be a digital gypsy!!! Seriously though, I find this kind of lifestyle very interesting. Especially how your friend does it with his family. Get that guy in for an interview…

  4. Amazing! Would luv more info on this topic! 3 years ago i quit my full time job and switch to a contract postion that has allowed me to have the time to visit almost 60 countries. Really want to make it so I can travel and work full time. Thanks so much for all of the great info and inspiration!

  5. Yes! Allan, would be nice to hear more specifics, this podcast was great, thanks for sounding so positive and inspiring. After reading “How to get into and survive film, ..” by Klaudija Cermak, I thought freelancing abroad is hard and nearly impossible.

  6. Great podcast!! I’d love to hear more about your experience on how to start making a network when arriving to a new city! Thanks for everything! Great work=)

  7. Allan definitely more on this subject please – didn’t want this episode to finish at all !! Awesome tips.
    Wish I could rate this podcast, but iTunes in India doesn’t allow that.

    1. Thanks Renan! I feel bad I haven’t been able to keep up – hoping to post a few new episodes very shortly!

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